The study was aimed at determining the clinical and associated risk factor for intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) at tertiary health care centre. The objective was to identify the group of infants of IUGR who needs intensive neonatal care. Retrospective analytical study of newborn included 1048 births. Mean age of mother was 25.35 years. A weight of 4.4 kg was considered as standard. The new born were screened by birth weight and their gestational age. Out of these 1048 cases 104 cases (10%) were of low birth weight deliveries. As regards of small gestational age (SGA) newborns, maximum 55% of babies had birth weight less than 2 kg. Pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH) had highest contribution (49%) Anaemia was present in 20% of cases, 12% cases were of twin gestation. Oligoamnios was associated in 11% cases. PIH was the major cause for IUGR (49%) which should be paid attention to in antenatal period. Anaemia is a preventable disease in pregnancy. Hence IUGR can also be prevented if measures are taken for correction of anemia in early pregnancy itself.